Culture Club Planning Meeting

Join the group in planning which cultural events you may wish to attend
Culture Club Planning Meeting

The Culture Club goes to see plays, musical performances, visits galleries and museums!
Connect & Create – April

Join us at our members meet up!
Connect & Create

Join us at our members meet up!
Connect & Create Members Meet Up

Our monthly members meet up!
Culture Club – John Lewis Monthly Planning Meeting

Culture Club monthly meet up for booking tickets and planning trips and events
Connect & Create – monthly members meet up

Our monthly members meet up
Arts and Minds Spring Event

Join us at our Spring Event
Culture Club – Planning Meeting

The monthly planning meeting for the culture club involves the members discussing and choosing which events and cultural performances they would like to see and attend. The group meet up […]
Arts & Minds Tetley Tour

A tour of the latest Tetley exhibition, followed by coffee and conversation (or tea and talking). The current exhibition at the Tetley includes work by “Outsider” artists. Some of the […]