Your chance to have your say about Arts & Minds and help us plan events, workshops and new ideas.
The theme of this Buzz Group will be how we can take the energy and enthusiasm of the Love Arts Conversation and spread it throughout the year. We want more opportunities for people to get together and get ideas. For arts organisations, artists, academics, health services and creative people who’ve used mental health services to work together. We want to help people unite around the cause of creativity and well-being.
But what should we do? A mini Love Arts Conversation? When? Where? How often? What should we cal it? Who should be there? Why? What’s the point? Why would people come?
Please come and share ideas and make your feelings known!
We meet in the Community Hub Room on the 4th Floor of John Lewis. Next to the Haberdashery Dept. And we’ll buy you a coffee or tea!
Photograph of the Love Arts Conversation 2016 by Mat Dale